Exploring a “Day at the Races”, “Summer Holidays” or the “Ethnic Look”
For the past three weeks students have been working from primary source material relating to the three titles shown above. Three mannequins were dressed in different styles and garments, and some outstanding drawings have been created, concentrating on the use of line and tone, positive [continue reading…]
Hettie will be in China for two weeks during July. She will be with a group of artists From the Watercolour Association of WA attending local artists’ workshops and exhibiting in the city of Huang Shan in Aan Hui Province.
From the workshops, Hettie aims to bring back a range of tips and tricks used by Chinese artists, thus broadening the scope of techniques we use at Art Classes Perth. The trip includes a series of workshops. Hettie will be providing you with photographs of the town and province on which you can base the paintings you do at the workshop. This will be a really informative, fun workshop with a Chinese theme! Hettie will also present on the art scene in China, and how overseas artists are received. She will also tell you about her experience of exhibiting and painting in China.
Please join us for Hettie’s workshop, which is a one-off event with limited space available – early booking is essential to avoid disappointment. Cost of the workshop is $80.
To book and for any other questions you may have, please email Hettie at hettie@magickmirrors.com
Gallery Address for this Event
4/48 Central Walk
WA 6027
June Painting Class

“ Monday is a very busy class with artists working on a broad range of imagery in either acrylic, water colour or pastels.
Although it is challenging to teach across disciplines, it certainly [continue reading…]
June Drawing Class – It’s all about birds!
“ Bird’s, bird’s bird’s ! Birds hovering, birds chattering, birds eating and birds wading. Although the topic given was “Bird’s”,
everyone was asked to source their own material and create a bird/bird’s of their own choice, no other directives. In these artworks [continue reading…]
The Development of Visual Diaries
With Val Shaw

Are you interested in finding out about yourself and developing your own instinctive creativity? Learn to source and develop ideas and concepts, develop your drawing skills, experiment with alternative media and start creating your own unique visual diary? This will be a highly personal journey, [continue reading…]

The drawings are finished…
“The drawings are finished, the printing is finished, the experimentation is finished and the COFFEE IS FINISHED, time to go home!
Next week we have decisions to make, how to place preparatory artwork, what images go where, what colours are compatible/or not, are we following a formal squared background or a random collage approach, big or small- looking forward to another exciting week!
In the meantime, please enjoy my photograph of my empty coffee cup! How cool is this?”
“ As everyone continued to mono-print and different creations of the same image emerged the energy and enthusiasm was palpable.
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Monday Painting Class
The painting class on Monday at present includes artworks in acrylics, water colour, pastel and some to include water colour and ink.
Quite a spectrum for one class, but I always encourage those attending to work in the medium of their choice. I believe that working in a medium that interests you, will usually result in a more resolved artwork. If you want to learn more about a medium you put more effort into understanding its properties and the results will reflect this interest.
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Portrait Project
The portrait project in the drawing class proved to be quite challenging. However as always, it was taken up with enthusiasm and determination and the results speak for themselves. Some great work was produced and the students were all pleased with their efforts. Some of the portraits are yet to be finished,
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Artist: Valerie Shaw
Title: Lost in Translation
Medium: Metal sculptures, artworks, natural and found objects
Artist Statement
“Lost in Translation” challenges the viewer to interpret a collection of seemingly unrelated metal sculptures, found objects, natural forms and images reflecting brief insights into fleeting moments in time and space. Shaw is a collector of discarded objects and materials, infusing new life into these acquisitions.
In the semi-conscious state between waking and sleeping the mind plays games bringing together seemingly unrelated events, concepts and imagery. A documentation of this meditative state whilst attempting to resolve ideas for an installation has resulted in the creation of this installation. The inclusion of shadow adds to the mystery of semi- consciousness thought.
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For the first three weeks of 2015 we have returned to traditional drawing skills in pencil. Revisiting and practicing expressive line work, considering image and composition, tonal values, positive and negative space and one’s own personal preferences in relation to the outcomes of the artwork. I can literally feel the excitement of the students and their commitment to learning and excellence. I think the Christmas break did everyone good and this first set of drawings really made my “heart sing”. What a wonderful start to the year, thank you all so much! Please have a look at the images created in the drawing class and enjoy!
Next week we are moving on to portraits, “with a difference”! Students will be selecting their own media of preference (possibly pencil, pastel, biro pen or conte’). The choice of whether to conform to a traditional approach to portraiture, or to take a more experimental approach is up to the individual, they will be guided and supported whatever their choice. The basic elements of the structure of the face will be discussed and explored, and thereafter
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Welcome to Art Classes Perth 2015. Thank you for visiting our website and we hope you had a wonderful Christmas and are looking forward to a peaceful, healthy, happy and creative 2015. For your interest we have the following classes on offer to start off 2015:
Painting Classes 2015 at Frendz
Painting classes will resume on Monday 2nd February from 9.30 – 12.30. These are held at Frendz, 21 Sarasota Avenue, Clarkson. Participants are encouraged to provide and use the medium of their choice to include water colour, acrylic or oil paints. Classes are facilitated by Val Shaw (Dip Textiles/ Applied Arts: BAFA Honours UNISA) Students range from beginners through to intermediate. Advanced students are welcome. Places are limited.
Drawing Classes 2015 at Frendz
Drawing classes will resume on Thursday morning 22nd January, from 9.30 – 12.30. These are also held at Frendz, Clarkson. Whilst mainly using graphic media, with a strong focus on basic, traditional drawing skills, the classes do include some experimentation with mixing media, collage and basic printmaking. Participants are encouraged to develop a critical approach to their own work and make decisions based on their investigations and preferences.
Life Drawing Sessions at Joondalup Art Gallery
Life Drawing Sessions are held once a month on either the first or second Monday of the month. The first life drawing session will be held on February 9th from 6.30 – 9 pm in the workshop of the Joondalup Art Gallery in Central Walk, Joondalup. Reservations necessary. Please click through and fill the form in for more details.
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Next Life Drawing session at JAG Gallery
The October life drawing session at the JAG Gallery Workshop has been organized for Monday October 6th at 6.30 pm. We have a young male model/ actor this session. This session is popular so please register as soon as possible.
Please email, SMS or phone 0416 192 234 to register. (Not after 8 pm please) I hope to see you there for another enjoyable session in a relaxed and friendly environment.
Warm Wishes
PS: I will be posting artists work from our weekly classes this weekend – sorry for the delay!