For the first three weeks of 2015 we have returned to traditional drawing skills in pencil. Revisiting and practicing expressive line work, considering image and composition, tonal values, positive and negative space and one’s own personal preferences in relation to the outcomes of the artwork. I can literally feel the excitement of the students and their commitment to learning and excellence. I think the Christmas break did everyone good and this first set of drawings really made my “heart sing”. What a wonderful start to the year, thank you all so much! Please have a look at the images created in the drawing class and enjoy!
Next week we are moving on to portraits, “with a difference”! Students will be selecting their own media of preference (possibly pencil, pastel, biro pen or conte’). The choice of whether to conform to a traditional approach to portraiture, or to take a more experimental approach is up to the individual, they will be guided and supported whatever their choice. The basic elements of the structure of the face will be discussed and explored, and thereafter
decisions will be made. The choice of image is also a personal one, possibly a self-portrait, child, grandchild, spouse, friend or ancestor, preferably an image that has some relevance or importance in their lives. We will initially do some brainstorming to include small sketches, conversation on possibilities for image and background, media experimentation and through this process develop an idea and plan the way forward. It looks as if the next few weeks will be just as exciting as the past three!!! Watch this space for progress relating to portraiture
Gallery of Work
Here is some of the work we produced over the last two weeks