On the left is my latest life-drawing of Andy, a good model I use regularly. I’ve experimented a bit with this one. Why not let me know what you think? I’d appreciate your opinions very much. Just use the form below. In the gallery are the three drawings I did at the life-drawing session this week, of model Scott-Patrick. He is also very good, and we’ll be using his services again.
If you would like to try life drawing with live models (male and female) then let me know. We are in North Perth and the sessions are held in the evenings. I look forward to hearing from you and seeing you join our other artists at these fun sessions!
Life Drawings 5th May
Just click on the thumbnail images to enlarge them!
Drawing a Live Subject

Life Drawing is the practice of sitting or standing in a studio and drawing or painting a live human subject, often unclothed. The model is usually asked to pose in a variety of positions so that the artists present may capture the human form from a variety of angles and views. These sessions are also a lovely social event at which artists discuss ideas, share coffee and generally enjoy being artists together, I will post a variety of my work here from a range of Life_Drawing sessions I have attended, and hope you enjoy them. If you would like to join one of the Life-Drawing sessions organize – they are generally held during evenings and weekends, then please contact me using the form at the bottom of the page. Here’s a few of my life drawings and then a gallery of them!

Life Drawing Gallery
Here’s the gallery I promised to post. Note the variation in detail and completeness – some are just sketches created in a few minutes to capture the essence of the subject, whilst others build on that essence and include a lot of detail.
Contact Me – Join My Life-Drawing Sessions
Site by artist Hettie Rowley Back to Front PageDrawing and painting tuition in Perth