WELCOME TO ART CLASSES PERTH 2016!Margaret Roeterdink Xmasjpg
We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and wish you all a happy and very creative 2016! Being creative is food for the soul, satisfaction and stimulation for the mind and a safe and calm place to go when lonely, tired or possibly depressed. Use your creativity, don’t loose it! It is inherent in all of us, take time out to nurture and develop it and enjoy the exciting journey.
At Art Classes Perth we continue to encourage and support artists to develop their own styles and concepts, experiment with different media and finally become independent, forward thinking practitioners, confident that they find their own creative solutions when not under guidance. We support creative development at all stages from beginners, intermediates though to more advanced students.
The last Drawing Class for 2015 was a fun, happy class celebrating Christmas, images that reflect Christmas, add to that a party atmosphere with Christmas nibbles and Cappuccino! Everyone brought primary Christmas reference material which covered the table giving a really festive atmosphere! Everyone borrowed from each other’s references and had a ‘play day’ to end the year!

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